Online Learning: data caps are a problem; openness is a solution

Filed under Things That Really Get Our Goat (actually, not really; that isn’t one of our blog categories…but pretend). The Chronicle‘s recent article “Caps on Data Use Dim Online Learning’s Bright Future” is missing a big part of the story in open licensing and open media formats. We don’t blame them, because in all the buzz about new-style […]

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OER Newsletter – February 2013

Welcome once again to the so-called ‘OER Newsletter’. Presented here, for your enjoyment, are some of the resources, tools, and sites that have crossed our digital desks in the past month. One of our favorites is TinEye Labs’ “Multicolr Search Lab”…in honor of the rapidly approaching spring, we selected a pastel palette for our image […]

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We Love Resources: Surprise Languages Edition

This bonus quick post on free/open language learning resources is directly inspired by Laura Franklin’s 10 French Resources for Students Anywhere over on COERLL’s (fairly) new Open Up blog. Seriously, before reading on, go check ’em out: (These folks) –> (Extra bonus: the blog is even CC BY.) Anyway. As some of our students and community members have […]

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