We Love Resources: Scores of video and podcast lessons from The Faculties

Keep an eye out for our upcoming K-12 Statistics and ELA-10 courses, which make use  of video from The Faculties. Want to make your parents (children, friends) proud and catch up on some extra learning this summer? Excited about starting college but unsure of what to choose as your major? Curious about employment opportunities and […]

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Q&A with Dr. Wissam Raji, author of An Introductory Course in Elementary Number Theory

“[T]he subject is presented in a way where no mathematical background is required with the exception of the last three chapters.” “[B]elieve in [your] capabilities. It is not about the school you attend, it is all about the inner will to achieve and passion you have for the subject you are studying.” With our release […]

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Free Elementary Number Theory Open Textbook Released Under CC BY

We’re happy to announce the release of a free and open textbook, An Introductory Course in Elementary Number Theory, by Dr. Wissam Raji, Ph.D., of the American University in Beirut. Fuller details are here, and be sure to check out our Q&A with the author. Dr. Raji created this text in response to a need for […]

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WA State Open Course Library Completed: Confirmed Savings

In a press release (pdf) issued yesterday, the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) announced the completion of the second group of the 81 highest-enrollment college courses. Available as open education resources (OER), these courses and their constituent materials are built for re-use and sharing, in and out of the classroom. Indeed, the Saylor […]

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