A walk around our neighborhood (of online learning providers)

In case you missed it, on Friday Sylvia at MOOC News & Reviews put out Part 6 of her around the world tour of MOOCs: “MOOCish” Online Ed Resources. It’s not a short read, but it’s conversational and it’s worth your time. She touches on the issues of classifying MOOCs, as well as on what we’ll call […]

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You Need Skills for the “Eat What you Kill” Economy

Formerly the purview of brand ambassadors, artists, and creatives, the contract/gig/freelance — or “eat what you kill” — economy is coming for you. Actually, it may already be here. According to the Intuit study “Twenty Trends that will Shape the Next Decade”, 40% of jobs will be freelance by 2020. Some feel contract work will […]

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Up and Coming: More K12 courses!

Calling all K12 students and teachers: Looking for some K12 common core-aligned resources and courses? Interested in supplementing your offline coursework with some technology to further enhance your learning? Then crack open your laptop! We’ve got lots of courses live and others are coming up in our K12 section at full speed! Read on for […]

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