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Andrew Greenwood
[email protected]
Academic Manager


Sports Skills for Life Skills (SS4LS) is a sport/educational non-profit organisation (NGO) in South Africa that assists primarily young cricket players from mostly marginalized communities to gain access to further education.

Academically they attempt to ensure that the prospective participants enroll for a course most suitable for their vocational aspirations. Once registered, the program monitors the academic progress of each participant by checking on their class attendance, arranging subject tutors where needed, pulling the academic results of each participant every six months, and sitting down with each candidate during an academic debriefing session discussing their university experience.

The SS4LS Academic Support Program has been in place for the past decade and has been refined and developed to meet the ever-changing needs of our beneficiaries.

The SS4LS Academic support program is currently guided by three key principles.

  • Increase Employability – through the facilitation of capacity building courses and certificates.
  • Maintain Motivation – through the creation and implementation of career pathways.
  • Provide Support and Guidance – through the athlete mentorship and tutoring program

There is no limit to the number of courses you can complete, however consultation with the Academic Manager before commencement is advised to ensure the core competencies are identified and then covered. SS4LS and Saylor Academy have recommended the following courses to help you to get started.

Also, SS4LS students can share certificates to potential employers, schools or other contacts on sites like LinkedIn or other professional portfolios. To learn more about sharing certificates, please click here.


Institution Recommended Courses

Saylor Courses for Sports Skills 4 Life Skills
Business Administration
BUS101: Introduction to Business
BUS103: Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUS105: Managerial Accounting
BUS202: Principles of Finance
BUS203: Principles of Marketing
BUS204: Business Statistics
BUS205: Business Law
BUS206: Management Information Systems
BUS208: Principles of Management
BUS209: Organizational Behavior
BUS210: Corporate Communication
BUS300: Operations Management
BUS301: Human Resource Management
BUS303: Strategic Information Technology
BUS305: Small Business Management
BUS401: Management Leadership
BUS402: Project Management
BUS403: Negotiations and Conflict Management
BUS501: Strategic Management
COMM001: Principles of Human Communication
COMM101: Public Speaking
COMM411: Public Relations
Computer Science
CS101: Introduction to Computer Science I
CS102: Introduction to Computer Science II
CS201: Elementary Data Structures
CS202: Discrete Structures
CS301: Computer Architecture
CS302: Software Engineering
CS401: Operating Systems
CS402: Computer Communications and Networks
CS403: Introduction to Modern Database Systems
ECON101: Principles of Microeconomics
ECON102: Principles of Macroeconomics
ENGL000: Pre-College English
ENGL001: English Composition I
ENGL002: English Composition II
ENGL210: Technical Writing
ENGL405: The American Renaissance
English as a Second Language
ESL001: Elementary English as a Second Language
ESL002: Intermediate English as a Second Language
ESL003: Upper-Intermediate English as a Second Language
ESL004: Advanced English as a Second Language
MA001: College Algebra
MA005: Calculus I
MA121: Introduction to Statistics
RWM101: Foundations of Real World Math
RWM102: Algebra
RWM103: Geometry
Professional Development
CUST105: Customer Service
PRDV002: Professional Writing
PRDV003: Word Processing
PRDV004: Spreadsheets
PRDV005: Time and Stress Management
PRDV008: Preparing and Delivering Presentations
PRDV009: Writing Grant Proposals
PRDV102: Resume Writing
PRDV103: Interviewing Skills
PRDV104: Professional Etiquette
PRDV211: Foundations of Human Communication
PRDV212: Interpersonal Communication
PRDV213: Group Communication
PRDV221: Introduction to Management
PRDV222: Management: Historical Development and Globalization
PRDV223: Organizational Culture, Diversity, and Ethics
PRDV224: Leadership and Teams
PRDV225: Managing Employees
PRDV226: Introduction to Human Resource Management
PRDV227: Introduction to Business Planning and Strategy
PRDV228: Decision-Making
PRDV229: Organization Structure, Change, and the Future of Management
PRDV230: Create a Workplace Conflict Resolution Policy
PRDV304: Introduction to Supply Chain Management
PRSM107: Crisis Communication
SALES103: Public Speaking for Sales
PSYCH101: Introduction to Psychology