Smorgasbord: A/C, Team Pics, Math Puzzles, MOOC Puzzles, Hanging Out

Another week gone by! As sad as it is to say goodbye to the offices for two whole days, do rest assured that we’ll be keeping our minds squarely on free and open education. The A/C is fixed right in time for the heat wave to have passed, and we’re back on speaking terms with our […]

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Advanced Statistics Course Now Available in K-12

If you been poking around in our K12 courses lately, you might have noticed the many new ones that have been popping up! Our über-experienced K12 Course Designers have been working hard in tandem with our Content Team. And today, we are featuring one of the fruits of our labor: K12MATHSTATS: Advanced Statistics! This AP®-style course brings together […]

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Smorgasbord: Heat, Internet, Humanities, K12, Philanthropy, Economics, and Debt

We made it to the weekend! It was an…interesting…week for the staff here at HQ as we battled first a relentless D.C. heatwave and then a network implosion. Half of our air conditioning gave up on us, driving staff to our upstairs digs — imagine when the best place to be on a day with […]

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US Foreign Policy Now Available on iTunes U!

“Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.” – Former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower Interested in what fears, truths, histories, theorems and factors have impacted US foreign policy? Want to […]

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MMD: The Mini-Afternoon Edition: Life After Higher Ed.

Good afternoon, and happy Monday! After having celebrated our independence over the weekend, we are back from vacation and ready to give you another wonderful edition of MMD. But since it’s the afternoon and we know that your Mondays can get busy very fast, this week’s MMD will be a little brief. For this week, […]

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