Saylor Academy Stories – Adrian

Thanks and congratulations to Adrian Sam Anthony, who today helps us kick off our series of Adamjee Life staff stories, introduced by company CEO Fredrik de Beer a couple of days ago. When we speak about customer services, the first picture that comes in our mind is a telephonic device and a representative at the other […]

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Saylor student stories: share, listen, and inspire

Self-paced, independent, online learning, even when fun, is often really hard — and can also be really discouraging. Engaging with peers in the forums and working hard on study habits can go a long way toward alleviating any sense of dismay. Sometimes, though, all you need is a little pick-me-up, a quick story from a […]

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Tennessee Community College Adapts Saylor Professional Etiquette Course

We are excited to announce that Volunteer State Community College, just outside of Nashville, has adapted our course on Professional Etiquette (PRDV104) for use in one of the programs they are revamping under the Rx Tennessee grant program. Initially, the adapted course will be used as part of a Health Informatics program at VSCC and […]

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Two courses, six credits, sixty days…success?

In early February, Josh at Lit for Brains set himself a challenge: study for — and pass — two credit-bearing exams at Excelsior College (a Saylor Academy partner) in just sixty days. How did he do? You will have to read Josh’s account to find out…but would we be sharing this if the news were […]

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Your weekend in video: 3 Hangouts to watch now

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: a project manager, a policy analyst, and an astronaut walk into a bar… You know what? Never mind. It isn’t very funny — but it is fascinating. And if you are all caught up on Cosmos (because Neil. deGrasse. Tyson. am I right?), here are three Hangouts on […]

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