School of Open launches Monday with Open Education Week!

An announcement* from our friends: The School of Open is launching beginning this Monday for Open Education Week, March 11-15. A community of volunteers from P2PU, Creative Commons, Open.Michigan, and Wikimedia will offer free online courses on copyright, CC licenses, Wikipedia, open science, open data, open video formats, and more. The main site has the digs on […]

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Online Learning: data caps are a problem; openness is a solution

Filed under Things That Really Get Our Goat (actually, not really; that isn’t one of our blog categories…but pretend). The Chronicle‘s recent article “Caps on Data Use Dim Online Learning’s Bright Future” is missing a big part of the story in open licensing and open media formats. We don’t blame them, because in all the buzz about new-style […]

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UnCollege – Fantasy, or Fantastic?

According to a recent interview in The Chronicle of Higher Education‘s Tech Therapy, a few years ago, Dale Stephens was a just another typical first semester freshman at Hendrick College. And yet, as a former home-schooled student, Stephens felt that his life in a classroom was missing something stimulating. This lack of a spark caused him to […]

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Ensuring Public Access to Scientific Research

In May of last year, a petition was added to’s We the People site, requesting that the government of the United States “require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research.” Much research that receives federal funding (which is to say, citizens’ tax dollars) is not subject to any kind […]

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