Filling in the blanks with the WayBack Machine

Missing and broken links happen in our courses more often than we would like. They are tough to discover, tough to fix, and frustrating for students in the middle of a course. Seriously, they are pretty bad. To paraphrase the 1946 film It’s a Wonderful Life (and paraphrasing that film is our ideal standard mode of […]

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Try out our (proposed) new discussion forums

If you have used our discussion forums, you may have mixed feelings about them. We certainly do. Some forums are very active, while others are very quiet. Flagging spammers and managing your notifications is difficult. Getting someone’s attention, to say nothing of getting a staff member’s attention, can feel like hitting the jackpot. We would […]

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Teacher’s Pet – Public Domain Science Education Videos

Once in a while, we share free and open and excellent resources that come our way. Today, with a tip of the hat to edSurge, we would like to give a quick nod to sixty-five or so great science videosfrom award-winning educator Rachel Iufer, collected at the Teacher’s Pet channel on YouTube. Iufer’s videos, backed […]

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