Professor Profile: Dr. Chad Redwing

Next up in our professor profile series, meet Dr. Chad Redwing!  Hi Chad! Please tell our readers about yourself. My family and I live on a small ranch in the Sierra Nevada Foothills of Northern California. Professionally, I have worked at the high school, college and university levels in both teaching and administration. Currently, I […]

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Badges: Alternative Credentialing for Lifelong Learning

Badges. It’s a word that just about everyone recognizes. Maybe you earned badges when you were in scouts as a youngster, or maybe you think of a detective’s badge. Badges are also awarded by governments and militaries for heroism and other great achievements. Increasingly, badges modeled after those given in scouting are being used in […]

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California one step closer to providing free textbooks to college students

Late last year, we blogged about California State Senator Darrell Steinberg’s ambitious plans to introduce digital textbooks into the California State higher education system, with a proposal to give students free access to texts for 50 core undergraduate classes in California’s three-tier public higher education system: University of California, California State University, and California Community […]

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7 Steps to Effective – and Efficient – Self-Learning

Are you working through courses – or a number of free educational resources – and find that you’re having trouble managing your time?  In a recent newsletter, well-known education activist, DIY learner, and founder of Dale J. Stephens shared his own steps to learning effectively and efficiently. With Dale’s permission, I am sharing […]

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Saylor Discussion Forums are now live!

Have a question about a course? Want to introduce yourself to other students? You’re in luck! With today’s launch of the Saylor Discussion Forums, we’re excited to provide a place for students to say hello to other students, ask a question, or start a conversation. I chatted with Devon Ritter, Saylor’s Special […]

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