Monday Morning Digest: Chain Reaction

It’s all happening, people. The education ecosystem is basically in the middle of a spiral domino effect – as if you didn’t realize this already. We start our first piece today with The Carnegie Foundation –  inventor of the credit hour – as they announce a year long “intervention”, if you will, to determine a new standard for measuring […]

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OER Newsletter – December 2012

December already? Kind of took us by surprise. Here, then, in the ‘Better Late Than Later’ Department, is the latest list of whatever we feel like talking about…open education resources, tools, news items, and good old-fashioned fun. Some of it may be useful; the Schmich-Luhrmann confabulation is probably more so. And we’re okay with that. […]

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Release: Three Courses Yield College Credit Recommendation

An announcement we’re really happy to make!  Not in a mood to read? Basically, this: pass proctored exams for three of our courses, get recommended for college credit…9 credit hours for $75 or  less (subject to your institution playing ball, of course, but more than 1500 have officially signed on to at least consider the […]

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