Release – Affordable College Credit for Students of Free Online College-Level Calculus Course

Yesterday, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered his annual State of the Union address to the combined houses of Congress. In the speech, the President called for colleges to be held to high standards of “affordability and value.” Florida Senator Marco Rubio, in his response to the speech, likewise called for meaningful change for students, specifically […]

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Infographic: Texting, Grammar, and a Mutable Language

Yesterday we released our course ENGL001: English Composition I on our iTunes U channel. In the spirit of Good Writing, we present the infographic below, courtesy of Now, we expect some controversy here…is texting destroying the communication skills of the younger generation, embiggening them, or just adding to the rich bounty of the language? Before […]

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Course o’ the Week: ENGL001 Available on iTunes U

Writing is tough, time-consuming, grueling, humbling, and — every so often — satisfying. That good writing is difficult will never change, but practice can make a big difference. So can the way you approach the task. This course promises to “change the way in which you think about writing”…but you’ll get more than you bargained […]

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Monday Morning Digest: Quality is a Never-Ending Quest

Good Morning! We hope that your Monday morning is bright and sunny (and not, e.g., post-blizzardy). For this week, we look at the quality and value of getting a higher education. Recently, this quest has led to questions of what should count for credit. Some universities continue to add MOOCs (some accredited)  to their repertoire, […]

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Great Astronomy Resources (For the Educator, Student, or Adventurer)

We research all kinds of materials…only some of which end up in one of our courses. Many resources are too good to keep hidden, so we’ll be presenting them here every Friday. Today’s a 10-for-1 deal…enjoy! As our world grows smaller and even more globalized, many people have looked to the stars and space to […]

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