We Love Resources: Special ME102 App Edition

Our very own David Rose (whom you met yesterday) has been hard at work researching and vetting (read: playing with) mobile apps for integration into our courses. You know, that whole “harnessing technology” thing we like to talk about. The first fruits of his efforts are available in an updated ME102: Mechanics I, and the improvements […]

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We Love Resources: Surprise Languages Edition

This bonus quick post on free/open language learning resources is directly inspired by Laura Franklin’s 10 French Resources for Students Anywhere over on COERLL’s (fairly) new Open Up blog. Seriously, before reading on, go check ’em out: (These folks) –> https://blog.coerll.utexas.edu/ (Extra bonus: the blog is even CC BY.) Anyway. As some of our students and community members have […]

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Release – Thomas Edison State College & Saylor Foundation Collaboration on College Credit

You can always check out the release for more details, but here’s the gist of what we announced today: Thomas Edison State College (in historic Trenton, New Jersey!) will create new exams and assessments for some of our most popular courses, and we’ll map/re-align some of our courses to match existing exams in the Thomas […]

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