Ensuring Public Access to Scientific Research

In May of last year, a petition was added to WhiteHouse.gov’s We the People site, requesting that the government of the United States “require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research.” Much research that receives federal funding (which is to say, citizens’ tax dollars) is not subject to any kind […]

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Course o’ the Week: ME101 Available on iTunes U

Distill mechanical engineering enough and you’ll end up with mathematics and physics (and we won’t wade into the argument of which one of those two is more elemental). Look closely, and you’ll find you’ve also wound up with a good bit of common sense. Engineering is whole-heartedly about real-world application and creative problem-solving, making it […]

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OER Newsletter – February 2013

Welcome once again to the so-called ‘OER Newsletter’. Presented here, for your enjoyment, are some of the resources, tools, and sites that have crossed our digital desks in the past month. One of our favorites is TinEye Labs’ “Multicolr Search Lab”…in honor of the rapidly approaching spring, we selected a pastel palette for our image […]

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