Course o’ the Week: Comparative New Worlds Available on iTunes U

Curious about European exploration, and the cultures of Native Americans? Then look no further: our iTunes U course of the week is HIST 321: Comparative New Worlds. By the end of this course, you’ll have read many primary source documents, teaching you how “fledgling settlements” became strong European colonies and the era of new settlement impacted […]

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Educator Snapshot: Kelly Gordon, M.S. Chemistry

Hello Kelly, thanks for taking the time to let us and our readers get to know you! We’ll get started with our first question (it’s an easy one): What have you been up to with the Saylor Foundation? I have worked as a peer reviewer and also as a consulting professor to complete several peer review […]

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Response to Michael Cusumano – “Are the Costs of ‘Free’ Too High in Online Education?”

This post is by Sarah Foregger, Ph.D., a consultant for the Saylor Foundation in the Communication discipline. Dr. Foregger taught for several years at the University of San Diego and has worked in consulting since 2012. By Sarah Foregger, Ph.D. “We need not fear that democratizing knowledge will cheapen its worth.” In an article published […]

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