Course o’ the Week: MA101 Available on iTunes U

Sometimes, less is more. Multiple variables can just be kind of…busy. If you’re into a simpler aesthetic, we’d like to suggest sticking to just one variable for the moment. You can leap on the trend (stay ahead of the curve!) with MA101: Single-Variable Calculus I on iTunes U. Four hundred years young, The Calculus was […]

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We Love Resources – Bradley Kjell’s Programming Lessons

Welcome to 2013, where everyone either is a programmer or wishes they were one. False dichotomy, you say? You’re right…everyone is a programmer. Really. Some people are just more into it than others, and many discount the things they do every day that count as basic programming. For those of us on the oh-man-i-could-never-do-that-it’s-so-complex end of the […]

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OER Bill Passed in São Paulo State Assembly (via Creative Commons)

Older news, but the first I’ve (consciously) heard of it: São Paulo Legislative Assembly Passes OER Bill (Creative Commons) This bill would make state-funded learning materials open and available for “copying, distribution, download and creation of derivative works.” Word is, the governor hasn’t signed the bill just yet, and it could, of course, still be vetoed. More […]

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Release: Web Traffic Increases 500% Year-to-Year

I know what you’re thinking: ‘So, a news release about old news. Riiight.’ Well, yes, but here’s the thing: we’re summing up some of the great things that happened in 2012, especially in the last half of last year. Among other things, we: Launched a successful provider channel on iTunes U; Smashed through our ‘Original 241’ […]

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Course o’ the Week: POLSC101 Available on iTunes U

Ah, politics. An awfully messy business, often enough, and replete (if all its critics are to be believed) with greed, treachery, and (worst of all!) inefficiency. The topic is always good for a lively conversation…or a fight — sometimes, unfortunately, quite literally so. But politics is really just governance and policy-making…sometimes with the people, sometimes without them, sometimes effectively, […]

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