Online Learning: data caps are a problem; openness is a solution

Filed under Things That Really Get Our Goat (actually, not really; that isn’t one of our blog categories…but pretend). The Chronicle‘s recent article “Caps on Data Use Dim Online Learning’s Bright Future” is missing a big part of the story in open licensing and open media formats. We don’t blame them, because in all the buzz about new-style […]

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Management Information Systems, Mobile Apps (AKA BUS206: Appified)

David’s done it again. You might remember us mentioning our first appified* course (“We Love Resources: Special ME102 App Edition“) a couple weeks ago, and now we’re happy to chat up one of our courses that flies under the radar: Management Information Systems. This course “bridges the gap between computer science and the well-known business […]

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Course o’ the Week: MA101-EXC Available on iTunes U

Still confused on how to calculate that annoying equation? Can’t seem to wrap your head around derivatives? Then cheer up, because MA101-EXC Single-Variable Calculus I is now available on our iTunes U channel. Straight from Isaac Newton, Archimedes, and Gottfried Leibniz to your iPad (or iPhone if you prefer), single variable calculus will break down those complicated functions and […]

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Ensuring Public Access to Scientific Research

In May of last year, a petition was added to’s We the People site, requesting that the government of the United States “require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research.” Much research that receives federal funding (which is to say, citizens’ tax dollars) is not subject to any kind […]

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