Saylor Summer School 2013: 10 Weeks, 9 Credits, No Excuses.

We’re pleased to announce an exciting — and experimental! — summer project. Here’s the gist: for the next ten weeks, we’re going to run sessions for three of our best courses — with the possibility of getting real, portable college credit (yeah, with caveats*).  We’d call it a MOOC, but that’s soooo 2012, don’t you […]

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Accounting Principles Course Now Available on iTunes U

Whether you’re thinking of diving into the wild world of accounting or you just need a good handle on the basics, our 30-hour PRDV201: Accounting Principles I will help set you up to make smart economic decisions. The skills you’ll pick up look very good on a resume and also fit nicely into any businessperson’s […]

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ICYMI: K-12 and all that.

In keeping the buzz going, and in-case-you-missed-it, we’ve got some good things going on in K-12! Open Matters, the blog from MIT  Open Courseware, picked up and re-shared a message that went out earlier today over our mailing list. We’re posting the message (penned by Rachel) down below, but first we’re going to give a shout-out […]

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Back to school: brand-new, standards-based K-12 courses.

You’ve probably seen this already, and we haven’t exactly gone to great lengths to hide it, but today it’s official: Our first batch of K-12 courses, aligned to Common Core State Standards and built to be as open as possible, have been released. None of us is happier than Angelyn Pinter, who’s been working non-stop on […]

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Less than nothing: student debt, risk, and small business dreams

Today, we’re releasing BUS305: Small Business Management on our iTunes U channel. And that got us thinking: variations on the word “entrepreneur” show up 137 times. But entrepreneurship doesn’t come easy, and it doesn’t come cheap. Back in April, our trustee, Michael Saylor, shared some of his thoughts on getting started in business: “You could call […]

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