Meet Rebecca Hausen, one of our Student Affairs Assistants. As a Saylor student, have you ever reached out to us with a question? Chances are, your message made its way to Rebecca.

Excited to help more students, Rebecca continues to be part of our amazing Student Affairs team and, along with the rest of Saylor Academy, will carry out our mission of providing free education to anyone seeking to learn. Read her story below!

Saylor Academy: Can you start by telling us about yourself? What is your professional background? How did you come to know about Saylor Academy? And how long have you been with the team?

Rebecca: Hi, I’m Rebecca. I am a certified dental assistant. However, I’ve found I better enjoy the customer service role. I found out about Saylor Academy while I was a dental assistant. I worked in the same building that Saylor Academy was based in. I had a conversation with Jeff Davidson [Executive Director], and he told me all about the mission. It sounded so exciting. I loved the idea of providing free online education. A year later I found Jeff’s business card and gave him a call. I’ve been with the team for a little over two years now.

SA: Tell us about your role. What is it that you do at Saylor Academy?

R: I’m part of the Student Affairs team. If a student needs information or has any questions, I am the person they reach out to.

SA: What do you like the most about your job?

R: I love that I can bring my computer anywhere to answer emails. It is also so rewarding when a student emails thanking Saylor Academy for the free education and opportunities to advance their career.

SA: How do you see Saylor Academy fitting in the future of education?

R: Oh, I love this question! My favorite are the ESL courses, so I see Saylor Academy giving foreign students the incredible opportunity to learn English for free.

SA: What is one valuable lesson that working at Saylor has taught you?

R: I have learned how important it is to work together. Everyone is so important to the team. It’s really cool to see everyone working together towards a common goal.

"It is also so rewarding when a student emails thanking Saylor Academy for the free education and opportunities to advance their career." – Rebecca Hausen Share on X

SA: What do you like to do when you’re not working?

R: When I am not working, I love to cuddle my baby and go on walks.

SA: What is one thing people would be surprised to learn about you?

R: When I’m not working or being a mom I’m actually an undercover secret agent. I go on secret missions to accomplish the greater good. Kidding… I play guitar, sometimes paint, and currently, I have a collection of plants on my balcony.

Want to learn more about the people behind Saylor Academy and our mission to provide free education to all? Check out our other employee interviews here and learn more about our mission here!