Deanna is a Saylor graduate who has completed four of our ACE recommended college credit courses (for a total of 12 credits) and is nearly finished with her fifth credit course- that will be a full semester of tuition-free college credits! She works as a certified pastry chef and had always wanted to open her own bakery; but when Covid hit, her perspective changed, and now she is back in school working to obtain her Bachelor’s degree in Business! She plans on transferring her credits to Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), one of our many partner universities.

Saylor Academy: Hello there Deanna! How did you find out about us?

Deanna Ford: I found out about Saylor by accident! I was inquiring about CLEP exams and the admissions counselor said, “Oh, do you mean ACE credits?”

From there I found out about receiving college credit through Saylor, and it was actually a huge reason I decided to go back to school. 

SA: Which courses (credit and non-credit) have you completed? 

DF: I’ve completed 4, almost 5 courses so far; all for credit. Intro to Statistics, Intro to Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Business Law, and I am about to finish Microeconomics

SA: What are your career goals? 

DF: I am currently a certified pastry chef with a degree from Johnson and Wales University in Baking and Pastry. I thought that I wanted my own bakery and that’s what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, but Covid shifted my perspective, and now I no longer want that.  I have always loved business and knew it would be my end goal one day to either run my own business or find myself somewhere on the business side of things. To be honest, I’m not sure what exactly my dream is at the moment, but I’m hoping that finishing my degree in business will help ignite a new passion.

SA: How has what you learned/the skills you obtained through Saylor Academy prepared you to achieve those goals?

DF: Saylor is allowing me to obtain this degree much faster than I would be able to any other way. I also love that I can take these classes and learn new skills without the busy work found in a typical course. I read through all the material, learn the concepts, study, and pass an exam. It is definitely teaching me how to prioritize my time and that it takes some sacrifice to achieve your goals. 

Student Spotlight- Deanna Ford: "I had 2 main obstacles keeping me from finishing my degree; time and money. Not only has Saylor saved me $8,000; it saved me almost a year of time as well. I don’t think I could have committed to… Share on X

SA: What is your major, or what are you studying?

DF: I am majoring in Business and plan to transfer my credits to Southern New Hampshire University to complete my undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree online. 

SA: Do you have any advice for adults looking to finish their degrees or return to school?

DF: You have to do what works best for you and for your life. Don’t get a degree because you feel pressured too. Really choose to go back to school because it’s something you want for yourself. I knew coming out of college at 20 that I didn’t want to be in school for 2 more years, and mostly I did not want any more loans. So, I left with my Associates and joined the workforce. Now that I’ve gone back to school, I realize how much easier it would have been to finish when I was younger; but I don’t regret a thing. Going back to school as an adult has made me appreciate the education and the knowledge more so now than before. 

SA: How has Saylor Academy and the flexibility of our courses helped you in your journey to complete your degree?

DF: Simple. I had 2 main obstacles keeping me from finishing my degree; time and money. Not only has Saylor saved me $8,000; it saved me almost a year of time as well.  I don’t think I could have committed to going back to school if it wasn’t for Saylor. The ability to knock out these courses at a faster rate and in my own time, while also saving me thousands of dollars has been an absolute godsend. 

SA: Would you recommend Saylor to others looking to finish their degrees? 

DF: I would highly recommend Saylor for anyone looking to go back to school to finish their degrees. BUT, it is a lot of personal dedication and commitment to take these courses on your own with no instructor and no homework to help you solidify concepts. If you are a highly determined person, who can commit to teaching yourself and putting in the work, then Saylor is the right path for you.

SA: What are your plans for the future, after graduation? 

DF: I wish I knew! Haha. My goal is to find something in business that I’m passionate about. I love streamlining operations, bettering processes, and creating a work environment that employees are happy to come to every day. I hope to be a great leader that can implement a positive work environment for my employees while growing and bettering the business I work for. Where that will happen remains to be seen! 

If you are looking to finish your degree like Deanna, click here to learn more about our Direct College Credit Program where you can complete your degree with substantial tuition savings! Click here to read more student interviews and learn more about our students all over the world.