Yokairy came back to complete her undergraduate degree in Liberal Studies at  City University of New York School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS), one of our many college credit partner institutions. While juggling a family and a career, she has her sights set high and is currently attending law school to eventually open her own practice. Here is what she had to say about her experience. 

"I am an adult with a family and a career, and to be able to take the course at my leisure without intrusive lessons or inconvenient schedules is what allowed me to finish my degree." – Yokairy Tavarez Share on X

Saylor Academy: Hello Yokairy! How did you find out about Saylor and our free courses?

Yokairy Tavarez: I found out about Saylor from my professor at CUNY SPS, who suggested it as a way to receive credit so I could stay on track for graduation.

SA: Which Saylor college credit courses have you completed? 

YT: I took and passed the Business Law course.

SA: What are your career goals? And how has what you learned/the skills you obtained through Saylor Academy prepared you to achieve those goals?

YT: My goal was to graduate and apply to law school, which I did. Taking Business Law at Saylor helped prepare me for the courses I’m taking now. As a first-year law student, two courses I’m taking are Torts and Contracts, both of which share many aspects with Business Law; and I’m actually using the same notes I took for that course now.

SA: What was your major, or what were you studying?

YT: I majored in Liberal Studies.

SA: Do you have any advice for adults looking to finish their degrees or return to school?

YT: If I had to give someone advice on finishing their degree as an adult, I would say just do it. The hard work is well worth it. And I know online courses aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I would definitely recommend doing it online just because of the sheer convenience of it.

SA: How has Saylor Academy and the flexibility of our courses helped you in your journey to complete your degree?

YT: The flexibility of online courses is priceless. I am an adult with a family and a career, and to be able to take the course at my leisure without intrusive lessons or inconvenient schedules is what allowed me to finish my degree.

SA: Would you recommend Saylor to others looking to finish their degrees?

YT: I would definitely recommend a Saylor course. It is informative, convenient, and allows you to take the course at your own pace so you can finish it how and when you need to acquire the credits.

SA: Now that you have graduated, what are your plans for the future?

YT: I graduated Fall of last year and am almost done with my first year in law school. I’ve been in the legal field for 23 years and am a Mediator as well, but I wanted to get my Juris Doctor so I could open my own practice. Now with my degree and because of Saylor, I’m on the path to do just that.

If you are looking to finish your college degree, click here to learn more about our Direct College Credit Program where you can complete your degree with substantial tuition savings!  Read more student interviews here and learn about their experiences earning their certificates.