1,214 courses completed and 3,642 credits earned with Saylor courses at the University of Memphis!

Kelsie C.

Kelsie is a Saylor and University of Memphis student who is graduating this summer. Through Finish Line, she was able to finish her Bachelor’s degree with honors; despite also planning a wedding and working, because of the flexibility that Saylor courses offered her.

Saylor Academy: Hi Kelsie! How did you find out about Saylor and our free courses?

Kelsie Crittendon: My advisor told me about Saylor classes and how they could help fast-track my degree. Being that this wasn’t my first rodeo through college, my main goal was to achieve honors (3.59 GPA) and finish college. 

SA: Which college credit courses have you completed with us and which one was your favorite? 

KC: I completed Public Relations and Human Resource Management. Public Relations was my favorite course because the content of the class is something I use every day with my job. 

SA: What are your career goals? And how have the subjects you learned through Saylor Academy prepared you to achieve those goals?

KC: My number one goal was to finish my degree. I did not finish college my first time so going back to school was something I did in my late 20s. Having the option to finish my degree, and finish as soon as possible was important to me. I work for the University of Tennessee and I needed to obtain a bachelor’s degree to be able to be promoted.

SA: Do you have any advice for adults joining the online learning community?

KC: Take advantage of the flexibility to allow yourself to efficiently time manage your course load around your life. I serve on multiple boards, coach a children’s kickball league, love my social life, and just got married!

SA: How has Saylor Academy and the flexibility of our courses helped you in your journey to complete your degree?

KC: Saylor allowed me to take 2 courses during the same semester I was getting married. I took a Saylor course and finished it a month before I got married. I was able to focus on the wedding the whole month beforehand. Once we got back from our honeymoon, I took another Saylor course. I enjoyed being able to focus on such an important time in my life while still pursuing my degree. 

SA: Would you recommend Saylor to others looking to finish their degrees? 

KC: 100%! The flexibility of being able to complete the work on my terms and at my pace was exactly what I needed with my busy lifestyle.

"The flexibility of being able to complete the work on my terms and at my pace was exactly what I needed with my busy lifestyle." -Kelsie Crittendon Share on X

SA: Now that you are finishing up your degree, what are your plans for the future?

KC: I was just accepted into the master’s program here at the University of Tennessee where I will be studying Strategic and Digital Communications. My goal once I graduate is to be promoted in my current department to a Strategic Extension Specialist. 

Are you a college or university administrator?

Connect with Jackie Arnold at [email protected] to learn more about this program and to arrange an introduction to the relevant University of Memphis staff.