Naima Ait-Tayeb

Sara is a Saylor graduate, originally from Egypt but now living in California, who has completed 10 of our courses. She will be moving to New York to attend the New York Institute of Technology this fall to obtain her Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology.

Saylor Academy: Hi Sara! Can you tell me how you heard about Saylor Academy?

Sara Hussin: I started homeschooling during my high school years. I previously attended a different online learning platform, but I needed a bigger challenge, an opportunity to take more advanced, college-level classes. I started searching through Google looking for free, online classes for high school students to advance their education when I came across Saylor Academy.

SA: What course was your first course and why did you choose it? 

SH: My first course was “College Success”. As an aspiring college student, Saylor’s “College Success” course was an amazing start for me to begin my college career. Not only did the course dive deep into habits that college students should develop in order to be successful, but it also provided insight into organization, time management, and financial tips that offer assistance to incoming college freshmen.

SA: Once you obtained your first certificate, what inspired you to complete another 9 courses?

SH: Saylor Academy’s course format was the main reason I decided to continue using Saylor Academy for my homeschooling years. Not many online course programs offer rigorous and engaging course structures, but Saylor Academy’s structure is very organized and hands-on with many videos; especially in the “Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology” course.

SA: Which course was your favorite and why?

SH: One of my favorite classes was “Existentialism”, which not only consisted of thorough readings, but also provided texts illustrating the different views of a philosopher. Ultimately one of the best classes I’ve taken at Saylor Academy and highly recommended for anyone interested in philosophy, literature, and religion.

SA: Would you recommend Saylor Academy to others? 

SH:  I would definitely recommend Saylor Academy, especially to students who are completing their high school classes online. The structure and the numerous classes provide high school students to explore their interests in different areas and gain a deeper understanding of the area of study due to the coursework and the quizes.

SA: What are your career goals? And how have the certificates you obtained through Saylor Academy prepared you to achieve those goals?  

SH: Becoming a neurologist is my aspiration. I plan to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and enter an MD/PhD program soon after graduation. The certificates earned from Saylor Academy have allowed me to gain admission to an undergraduate program in the heart of New York City.

Sara Hussin: "The certificates earned from Saylor Academy have allowed me to gain admission to an undergraduate program in the heart of New York City." Share on X

SA: What’s one way you think we can improve upon? 

SH: Although Saylor Academy excels in many areas as an online learning platform, it can be of great help to many others by making college credit more accessible across the majority of courses. I knew when I was starting out that college credit is very important in undergraduate programs, allowing you to possibly graduate earlier, so I was looking for a program that also offered college credit for courses.

SA: Do you have any advice for people joining the online learning community? 

SH: A major piece of advice that I wish someone would’ve given me when I was starting out homeschooling was to stay motivated. Online learning can seem overwhelming with the amount of information you have to learn and understand on your own, but self-motivation is the key to success during online learning. I suggest taking the time to plan out your courses in a calendar, writing out which subunits you will finish this week and what day to take the final exam. By doing this, you’ll become more motivated to finish the course as it helps to break down large chunks of information into smaller tasks that can be manageable.

SA: Are you currently in school? If so, where?

SH: I’ve been offered admission to the New York Institute of Technology, which I’ll be attending this fall. This opportunity wouldn’t have been in my sight if it weren’t for my resume from Saylor Academy!

If you are looking to start or finish your college degree, click here to learn more about our Direct College Credit Program where you can complete your degree with substantial tuition savings! Click here to read more student interviews and learn more about our students all over the world.