Saylor Summer Selfie

Saylor Academy has a whole wide world of learners, and we want everyone to meet. So, we’re launching the Saylor Summer #SaylorSelfie challenge! 

The challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to earn a certificate, take a selfie with it, and then share it with the class.

If you’re a new Saylor student, and don’t have a certificate yet, you can take one of our Professional Development courses and complete it in a day or two.

Short and Sweet Professional Development Courses:

Everyone who participates in the #SaylorSelfie challenge will receive a gift from us! A gift we will be announcing shortly.

Here are the rules to be eligible for the gift:

  1. Earn a certificate (can be a certificate you earned in the past)
  2. Take a selfie or video with your certificate (you can print it out our have it displayed on a screen)
  3. Share your selfie or video on Twitter and/or Instagram, tag us (@saylordotorg), and use the hashtag #SaylorSelfie
  4. Once you’ve shared your selfie we will reach out and ask you to tell us about yourself and your education journey. Now you’re eligible to get a sweet gift!

You can participate in the #SaylorSelfie challenge even if you don’t want to receive a gift. Additionally, a certificate from our Saylor001 course will not count towards being eligible to receiving the gift.

The Gift

Spread the Word

I’m participating in the Saylor Summer #SaylorSelfie Challenge! I’m going to earn a certificate, take a selfie, and share it with Saylor’s global class! I can’t wait to meet everyone! Join me! Share on X

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