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Saylor.org is working with LearnBIG to put great content in the hands of users.  You may remember LearnBIG from our Monday Morning Digest (MMD) post last month and know that we were already “big” fans (ahem) of their work.

LearnBIG gathers online educational resources including games, OER materials, ebooks, audio lessons, and MOOCs (massive open online courses) from  a wide variety of education providers into a searchable, personalized interface.

Resources are for learners of all ages and range in subject areas from Math and ELA to career development (they are even grouped in handy career paths).  The content isn’t all serious (though the learning definitely is) as they also have a zombie survival curriculum, which teaches geography to 6-9 graders, available to teachers.  It’s free to use LearnBIG, although some content partners may charge for materials — but you’ll know right away.

Students: Check out LearnBIG‘s site for study aids, practice quiz questions and games to prepare for your courses or get ahead.

Educators: Try LearnBIG’s site for curricula and lesson modules, practice exams and teaching aids, many featuring content from yours truly 🙂

Everybody Else: LearnBIG has professional development modules available, many of which feature Saylor.org PRDV content. Use it to increase job skills or pursue a curiosity (like zombie survival).

We are really excited about our collaboration with LearnBIG, which gives our students and friends a chance to experience our content in a new way.  Learners can pool the best of online education content (much of it free and open) into a learning profile of subjects that interest them most. Besides…any opportunity to work with friends of free education is a very good thing.


Interested in partnering with Saylor.org?  Contact us!