The Saylor Foundation and Thomas Edison State College (TESC) partnered together in February of this year to create pathways for potential college credit; several courses in the works (see below).

But the big news today is that the first course on our list is ready to go! students can take our CS402: Computer Communications Networks course in preparation for the TESC CMP-354-TE Network Technologies exam.

402 is a detailed introduction to the basic hardware and software components for computer communications in local area networks, including the basics of computer networks, switching, routing, protocols and security. Fun fact: the course textbook was created as a part of our Open Textbook Challenge, which has brought several texts out under a CC BY license.

Not interested in Computer Science but still want to find out more about the Student Credit Pathways initiative?
Our Student Credit Pathways page has the low-down. We’ve also outlined 250+ pathways to potential credit both within and outside of

Coming Soon With TESC Backing: